Did anyone ever tell you, “Be careful what you ask for…”. I am once again working as a corporate pilot flying Challengers CL-605 and for the past month I’ve been traveling like crazy! I finally have a few days off ahead of me and wanted to share a video I found on YouTube with all [...]
Think you need to be a math whiz to become a pilot? Think again! The truth is, if you have the basic math skills of adding, subtracting, simple multiplication and division, you’ve got what it takes to be a pilot. Take a look at anyone trying to solve a complex math problem, they are focused [...]
“I’m not good at math, but I want to be a pilot, what should I major in?” OR “I haven’t taken physics or math, but I want to be a pilot, what do I do now?” These are recurring questions that I receive, so I thought I’d answer these questions once and for all. Most [...]
Ask anyone taking flight lessons and they will tell you that they are dishing out anywhere from $1,000/mo to over $3,000/mo for their flight training. Who has that kind of money? But, if you can spare about $10/day, your dream of earning your Private Pilot License can become a reality right now! Yes, I’m talking [...]
Do you ever land after a flight lesson and think, “man, I really sucked today…”? Do you ever wonder how your instructor can remember all the little steps required for a maneuver? Do you ever wish you could prepare more on the ground so you can save money in the air? If you answered “yes” [...]
Have you ever started shying away from your flight lessons because you didn’t feel prepared enough? It’s time to say good bye to those days where you just aren’t “one with the airplane”. Learning to fly can easily overwhelm you due to the vast amount of information that you must digest. But, how do you [...]
So many times we are comparing ourselves to others, that is how our brains are wired. But, in the case of flight training, we are especially prone to feel bad when we are not progressing as fast as other student pilots. I used to wonder whether I was progressing at an appropriate pace in my [...]
As someone who is always either flying or thinking about flying, it never occurred to me that there are tons of people out there who will avoid it at all costs. I knew about certain people with phobias, but I thought it was only a handful of them. Now I realize that there are many [...]
Time to Private Pilot Survey
Thanks so much for helping out! I’m collecting data about how much time it takes people to get their Private Pilot certificate based on what type of school they went to and how long ago they finished flight training. If you would like to receive a notification for when the results are posted, enter your [...]
80% of student pilots, NEVER finish flight training. Don’t be one of them…. If you’re serious about becoming a private pilot, make sure you know the pitfalls that other student pilots fall into so that you can steer clear of them. There are countless sources of information out there on the inter webs and it [...]