Jun 272013

Have you ever started shying away from your flight lessons because you didn’t feel prepared enough?

It’s time to say good bye to those days where you just aren’t “one with the airplane”.

Learning to fly can easily overwhelm you due to the vast amount of information that you must digest.  But, how do you eat an elephant?  Yes, one bite at a time, but where do you start biting???

Learn how to prepare, what to read, what to study, and more importantly HOW to study for a flight lesson so that you can kick butt the very next time you’re in the pilot seat.  And you can do this in under an hour, if you just know exactly where to look.  The best part – most of the tools you  need are absolutely FREE!

Watch this video to learn how one student pilot went from “shying away from flight lessons” to kicking butt on her next flight lesson (see the testimonial below).  Then download the Flight Lesson Kick Ass Kit for FREE (below the video).

After putting these tips into action, here is what she said:

“Thank you Ruth! I am glad I contacted you, I just finished my circuit flight and performed a lot better thanks to your tips! I truly appreciate all your help and guidance, I will for sure let you know when I get my license! :)”

Get all the free info mentioned in the video in the FREE Flight Lesson Kick Ass Kit?  Get instant Access Now!

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