Dec 072012

Have you ever noticed that a lot of pilots have motorcycles? Or they have a boat, or like to go skydiving, scuba diving, skiing, or some other “extreme” sport?

Are pilots really just adrenalin junkies hooked on danger?

Not necessarily……

Click on the video and find out why pilots seem to be attracted to similar activities, but are not necessarily crazy, thrill-seeking, danger-loving adrenalin junkies.

After you watch the video -find out if you’re an adrenalin junkie by taking the test and learning about yourself:

Click Here to take the Personality Type Test

Click Here to read more about your personality type

private pilot training

Now, in the section below, tell me how you scored and how you’re involved in the aviation industry!  (Scroll down to the end of the survey to click “Done”)

___The Survey is now closed.  Check out the results below______

Pilot Personality Survey

Respondent Information


 Tagged with: adrenalin junkies, , motorcycles, personality types, pilot careers, pilot training

  2 Responses to “Are Pilots Adrenalin Junkies???”

  1. how can I become military pilot?.


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