Hi there!
My name is Ruth Morlas and I’m the face behind PilotTricks.com.
PilotTricks is a website full of information on how to become a pilot. Whether your dream is to work for the airlines, or you just want to fly like an eagle, PilotTricks.com demystifies the process of becoming a pilot.
My journey in aviation began when I was a little girl and I was simply transformed by the airplane ride that took me and my family from a very simple life in beautiful Ecuador, South America, to a whole new world of possibilities in the amazing United States.
I’ve always been attracted to two things in this magic dimension we call life on earth:
I loved being outdoors and around animals, but I was also absolutely passionate about anything mechanical. I wanted a bicycle as soon as I could walk, then I wanted a motorcycle. Of course a car was next in line and as soon as I discovered that you didn’t have to be a male fighter pilot in the military to work as a pilot, I wanted to fly airplanes for a living.
I’m a production test pilot and I get to fly some of the most state-of-the-art jets ever made.
I came from a background of absolutely zero knowledge about flying. No one in my family or circle of friends/acquaintances knew anything about becoming a pilot or even how airplanes fly. Moreover, my family and I emigrated from South America with nothing but a couple of suitcases and the clothes on our backs. We had to learn English and try to integrate ourselves into a new culture.
If someone like me can become a successful professional in the exciting field of aviation, than you can also be successful in whatever capacity you desire!
To get more Tips and Tricks on how to reach YOUR goals, chances to win prizes and ask the most burning questions you have about becoming a pilot, browse through my BLOG.
I too had zero pilot knowledge going into this whole adventure. In fact, one day I saw a Discovery Channel show related to aviation and typed “how to become a pilot” into Google. After my very first flight lesson / discovery flight I knew I had to go through with my training and complete the Private Pilot. I now get to fly whenever I want because I have access to a wide variety of rental planes. In less than 2 years I’ve landed at (or been a passenger) over FORTY different airports in my local area, and some on the East Coast.
Oski, that’s great! Congratulations! It is very satisfying to know you can jump into a flying machine and break the bounds of earth….at least for a little while.
Hi Ruth!
There should be more people like you
I learned to fly at 38 and started instructing at 45. Anything is possible as long as we go after it. Dreams become reality when we acknowledge them and work towards achieving them!
AWE – Aviation and Women in Europe
I just added your site to my “links” section. Keep up the good work.
Hi, I like what your doing with this blog and Videos. I’m a instrument Pilot from New Jersey trying to get my commercial and CFI. Do you plan to fly for the Airlines? My family is from Colombia and Honduras. Keep it going!
Thanks Johnny,
That’s great, I used to fly around the Philly and Jersey area a lot. And I’ve been to Colombia in a C172 once, it was beautiful!
I wouldn’t mind working for an airline, but my true passion is flight test.
Good luck with your commercial, that was a fun certificate!
Just found your website and blog and love it! At 49 years old last November, I decided to challenge myself in a major way, and work towards my PPL. I’m about 40 flight hours in, and am always excited, anxious, overwhelmed, etc (!), and marching forward with my goal. I’m hoping to be licensed by August or September 2013. Any advice? I’m still at that stage where I fluctuate between feeling like I can do this, and I don’t think I’m capable. I have a Master’s in Education, but at times feel so incredibly ignorant. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much, I’m glad you like the website. And congratulations for your undertaking!!! I’m so excited for you, I know exactly what you’re talking about and it doesn’t have anything to do with age…I felt the exact same way at 21 yrs old!!!
I’m curious, how did you find the website? And what made you choose getting your PPL as the way to challenge yourself?
My advice in general is to fly as often as you can, don’t go longer than 2 or 3 days without flying. Take notes at your debriefings. And make sure you’re following a syllabus.
What part of your flight training are you on? Have you soloed yet?
I have TONS more advice, that is why I started the website, because it’s impossible to put it all into an email. Is there anything specifically that makes you feel like you’re not capable? Is it landings? Cross country procedures? Maneuvers?
Let me know and I’ll try to help.
I believe I stumbled upon your website by googling flight training or something similar. I’m struggling with mastering landings, and even more so when crosswind components are added. Because of this, I’ve not yet soloed, even though I have roughly 47 or 48 hours so far. I’m just not ready and can honestly say that. My CFI is largely off the controls until final approach when I’ve typically needed help. I struggle with ballooning, and making small pressure corrections, rather than gross movements, resulting in me chasing the landing. My CFI assures me I’m making progress and points out growth and improvements, but my confidence in my own ability is not yet strong.
I’ll send you an email response since this would take up too much room as a comment
Hang in there, you’ll get it!